Your Condition Is Not In Your Head


ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, MCS, EHS and Associated Conditions are REAL Physical Conditions with REAL Physical Symptoms.

It’s Not All Just In Your Head!

When the “it’s all just in your head” myth is continually perpetuated in the medical community, media and greater society, it can cause sufferers to feel a lot of shame, guilt and invalidation.

And often makes recovery much harder.

Have you ever been told?

-It’s all just in your head

-It’s your fault that you’re sick

-Just snap out of it!

-All you need to do is think positively and you will be fine

If you have ever been a victim of this type of misinformation, then these are not to be missed videos.

Let’s cut through the misunderstanding together and send a clear message that “it’s not all just in your head”.

Find understanding- I’ve been there, and I know what it’s like to battle against these attitudes. I want to offer you reassurance that with my help you can overcome their legacy and get your health and happiness back.

Receive Support and Guidance- Join me and a community of others who have also felt misunderstood. And learn ways to cope when the medical profession, family and friends when they aren’t showing you the support you need.

Learn the Science- Discover why these Conditions are real physical conditions with real symptoms in the body, how my Amygdala and Insula Hypothesis explains them and learn how the Gupta Program can help you recover.

Get Your Questions Answered- And benefit from the experience of other sufferers in our FAQ section.

Watch and share my Facebook Live Event here

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It’s Not In Your Head Q & A session here

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Lots of love,  Ashok




Ashok Gupta is the Director of the Gupta Program. He has dedicated his life to helping people get their life back from Chronic Illness, improving people’s well-being, and helping them achieve their potential. He has been teaching meditation around the world for over 15 years. He runs a global e-clinic specializing in treating ME, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia & Multiple Chemical Sensitivities –

Ashok has spent many years researching the brain neurology of emotion and linking well-being tools with science. He has published medical papers on the basis of stress-related illnesses. He has appeared in many media as an expert on stress on the BBC, CNN, Guardian Newspaper, ITV, The Independent, and many others.

He wrote and presented the Meaning of Life Experiment which is a Free, Award-winning Meditation and Self-Development App

He also works with companies around the world, teaching courses in Leadership, Time Management, and Personal Development.

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