Valeria Bustamante’s Success Story

Gupta Program Dandelion

The Gupta Program is a powerful, holistic approach to healing yourself

I started this program 6 months ago, when I developped ME/CFS after trying to go back to work after more than a year of sick leave due to a severe burnout. I consider myself very lucky to have found the Gupta Program so soon after my first crash because it has given me insight, tools for self healing, motivation and perspective.

INSIGHT: The Gupta Program explains the condition and provides the necessary knowledge so that we can be our own best advocats for this chronic illness that unfortunately isn’t well known in the medical community. This is especially critical because many patients are exposed to unnecessary and even damaging treatments. It has empowered me from the beginning to be well informed about my condition and to be able to stand up for myself.

Tools: The Gupta Program offers a variety of tools such as guided Meditations and other specific training tools that help to bring us to the necessary healing state. They are designed to help us in our different stages and they take into account the non-linear healing process of people with different circumstances.

MOTIVATION: This life altering condition can absolutely crash your spirit and I cannot value highly enough the overall loving messages and encouragements that come with this program. Most patients are alone in this and the Gupta Forum provides a safe and positive space for us to communicate with people that are going through the same in order to encourage and help each other with our individual experiences. This has helped me so much in terms of not feeling isolated and has given me inspiration in difficult moments.

PERSPECTIVE: The Gupta Program has been developped by Ashok Gupta who himself suffered from ME/CFS and the Coaches that work with him and with us have recovered themselves. They are not only proof that ME/CFS and other chronique conditions can be healed, they bring their own personal experiences into the practice which is a huge advantage for their work and a great benefit for us.

Ashok Gupta and the Coaches are experienced trainers and teachers that can guide us through our conditions and help us find the way back into upgraded versions of our lives with new skills to conquer challenges.

This Program has been approved by my psychologist and my GP and the costs are very reasonable and you get so much for it.

I absolutely recommend this program to anyone suffering from ME/CFS or other similar conditions.

My energy is improving very slowly but it is improving. I can sleep much better and longer and my anxiety levels and depression have decreased considerably. I have started to enjoy life again and managed to get a positive outlook on my life. This is not only important for me but also for my husband and family who are also struck by my condition.

I am very thankful to this wonderful program and I am looking forward to continuing my healing process ~ Valeria Bustamante, Germany