Linda Andrews’s Success Story

Gupta Program Dandelion

I was diagnosed with ME and Fibromyalgia. At the time I was busy with a Counselling Practice as well as teaching Counselling, Clinical   Theology and other courses; I was chair of a Division of the British Assoc for Counselling and Psychotherapy, and I was doing a degree with the Open   University. Just before I became really ill, my sister died from cancer.   Everything together caused my body to rebel and say ’enough!’ I had to give up all my work and my studies.

I was in pain from the roots of my hair to my toenails, and when I woke in the morning I felt as though I had been run over by a truck, beat beaten up and had a dose of the flu’. I felt exhausted and my energy would suddenly disappear with the result that I would be drained physically, mentally and emotionally. I had difficulty sleeping even though I was tired out. My metabolism slowed down, the thyroid and adrenals were affected, and so on. I   found it hard to think (which was especially hard as I was studying philosophy), my speech began to slur at times and I couldn’t find the words that I wanted to say. My writing deteriorated and sometimes became jumbled and my spelling ability vanished. It was horrible. The losses felt enormous.That is until last October when I   began the Gupta Program.Three days after starting the programme I went to Kew Gardens where I walked all day (on other trips to gardens or shows I had hired a buggy so that I could get around).  I only started to feel tired in the late afternoon; I felt normal tiredness which was so different to the awful draining that I was accustomed to. Since then I have had been free from pain and have not needed to use a walking stick. Over the next few months, my sleep patterns improved and so did my brain fog and cognition.The first dip that I experienced after starting the programme was quite difficult to deal with until I realised that if I just began again it should work. It did. Stress is the fastest trigger of symptoms, but now I know that the effects will be minimal compared to the wipeout that I previously experienced.

Now I have my life back. I have lots of energy, within the limitations of my age which, although I am 60, feels about 45 rather than the 95 years that I   felt before. I keep rejoicing in the very noticeable change in my body, mind and emotions. Even my eyes have improved!

The programme is simple. I still do it when I need to, and I keep up with meditation and relaxation. I recognise when the stress response centre is overreacting or likely to kick out the chemicals or signals that caused symptoms. The advantage of the Gupta Program is that I have it as a   permanent resource to turn to when I need it. It has been a miracle for me.

I had a great holiday this summer where I climbed a mount in Wales, went body boarding and took long walks. I have great fun with my little grandchildren.   I am really enjoying life. Thank you, Ashok!– Linda Andrews