Paul’s Success Story

Gupta Program Dandelion

Hello there. I would like to give you further feedback of retraining our amygdala and also doing the Meaning of Life Experiment. I’ve been suffering with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and Lyme disease for approximately 30 years.

I cannot list all of the things that I have tried on my journey to get well. It’s been a full-time journey where 90% of my attention has been on just handling my body. I got married 10 years ago and my wife also got quite ill with interstitial cystitis and stomach problems and other things also.

We learned of your amygdala retraining program about four months ago. I immediately started seeing changes, even though we’ve done everything in the world having to do with the mind, so we thought. It’s the brain! After doing your processes I have regained many abilities that I used to have. My wife is getting better a bit more slow than I but she is also quite determined.

What I am surprised that it helped me with so much is my neck pain which I have suffered from for so long. I realize that I was resisting and causing a lot of the pain but I didn’t know how to handle it. Your program fixed that up for me doing the Accelerator fixed so much. Stop stop stop of course has done so much hope for me also.

And then we get into The Meaning Of Life Experiment which is just amazing. We have suggested it to many many people and the ones that have done it report back with really amazing results also. It’s so simple and laid out so well we are all very happy.
So now I am better, my wife is getting better, my father in law and mother-in-law are getting much better as are some of my friends.

Anyway I wanted to give you a bit of an update because you are creating wonderful happy people over here in the United States, Nebraska, Florida and North Carolina.
I honestly cannot thank you enough. So many miracles are happening in our life.

Major thanks for that!
It’s obvious that your goal in life is to help others and you deserve to know that you definitely are! Thank you thank you thank you.

Thank you,
Just Letting Go! – Paul