
Finally a theory that explains what I am going through, and a program to reverse the process – it works!

When I first got sick I was bewildered and just couldn’t understand what was going on. This was a real problem for me because I was in 3rd year of medical school and medical science was my life – there had to be some rational explanation. But no matter how much research I did or how obsessively I thought about it, all I could come up with was theories which I was unable to prove and treatment ideas that got me nowhere. I got sicker and sicker for 2 years until I was bedbound for most of the day. Then one day I found Dan Neufer’s book, CFS Unravelled. It presented a theory that made physiological sense of how I got sick in the first place and why I continued to get worse. It was a eureka moment for me to realize that, based on current scientific knowledge of the nervous system and endocrine system, it was clear that the main dysfunction in ME/CFS and FM lay in the brain! And thanks to neuroplasticity, the ability of our brains to be rewired by experience, we can reverse the changes in our brain that led to the illness and become completely healthy – potentially even more so than before we first started to notice being unwell in the first place! Unfortunately, the task of retraining the brain is not as easy as simply choosing to change how you think – it takes diligent work, and time! This is where the Gupta Programme comes in. Ashok Gupta and Dan Neufer independently arrived at the same basic conclusions about the cause of their illness, and used this knowledge to recover completely and permanently. The tools in the Gupta Programme systematically work from several directions to reverse the largely unconscious hyper-arousal occurring in several areas of the brain which is making you sick. I won’t go into details of the program except to say that if you give it your full commitment, you will gradually recover and get your whole life back. So breathe a deep sigh of relief right now, because there is no longer some dreaded mysterious cause of your illness – the physiology has been figured out and the path to full recovery is yours to take!