How The Cognitive Symptoms Of Your Condition Are Created


I do believe that these symptoms are temporary – that they are due to systemic functional changes in the body, rather than permanent organic damage. Stopping the amygdala and insula’s hyper-reactions allows the body to trigger the parasympathetic system, meaning the body’s own healing mechanisms can bring it back to balance and homeostasis.

Headaches and “Foggy” Head

These occur as a result of prolonged muscle tension in the head. The mind is particularly in a state of heightened arousal throughout the day, and becomes stressed and exhausted from so much stimulation. This can make the head sensitive and sore. Because there may be reduced blood pressure and blood flow to the head, this contributes to brain fog because there simply are not enough resources being channelled to the brain.

Woman with headache

Inability to Concentrate

woman sitting in park

The mind is on edge due to the excited state of the amygdala. Furthermore, the conscious mind is “arrested” by the amygdala, as it gets bombarded with signals about the body. Therefore, the mind finds it difficult to focus on other tasks, because it is also trying to process the signals about the body.

When patients are in the state of heightened arousal about symptoms, their memory systems are reshuffled so that knowledge and memories most relevant to the symptoms will be recalled, taking precedence over other less relevant strands of thought. This makes concentrating on anything else very difficult.

Problems with Memory

An area of the brain called the hippocampus has a dual role; firstly in providing short term memory retrieval, and secondly as a “control knob” which tries to moderate the release of the stress hormones. The hippocampus becomes damaged during a chronic stress response, and no longer is able to fulfil these dual roles well. Therefore, the formation of new memories in the hippocampus is inhibited, which means that you may have problems with short term memory formation and retrieval.

Whilst this effect may seem frightening, recovery will mean that the hippocampus can return to its normal functioning.

two colleagues at a computer

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Ashok Gupta is the Director of the Gupta Program. He has dedicated his life to helping people get their life back from Chronic Illness, improving people’s well-being, and helping them achieve their potential. He has been teaching meditation around the world for over 15 years. He runs a global e-clinic specializing in treating ME, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia & Multiple Chemical Sensitivities –

Ashok has spent many years researching the brain neurology of emotion and linking well-being tools with science. He has published medical papers on the basis of stress-related illnesses. He has appeared in many media as an expert on stress on the BBC, CNN, Guardian Newspaper, ITV, The Independent, and many others.

He wrote and presented the Meaning of Life Experiment which is a Free, Award-winning Meditation and Self-Development App

He also works with companies around the world, teaching courses in Leadership, Time Management, and Personal Development.

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